Berry Bouquet - 3888
"A Berry Happy Birthday" to BDEIG!
Strawberries, gooseberries, huckleberries,
blueberries, currants, and blackberries!
This Berry Bouquet class consists of
learning four techniques for padding satin
stitch, working on improving your satin
stitch skills, learning five different ways
of decorating the padded satin stitch to
achieve the textures of the berries, which
include my interwoven cast-on; wrapping
beads with thread and attaching them to
your work so that they hang from a “stem”;
and a self-padding leaf. Stitches taught
will be how to achieve flawless satin
stitch, Rhodes stitch, interwoven cast-on,
“Berry Bead Drizzle”, plus the above
mentioned padded satin and decorating
techniques. It is helpful for students to
be familiar with stem stitch, cast-on,
up/down cast-on, double cast-on, drizzle
technique, French knots, satin stitch,
colonial knot, and couching.
"By The Sea" Pendant or Brooch
Price: $15.00
Abalone shell - who can resist
those gorgeous colors? Stitches Included:
Beaded drizzles: Design Area: Size varies,
pieces shown are pendant 4.5" and brooch
4.75" overall. Floss Needed: For charm
cords and drizzles: Glory, 041, 071, 311,
170. For neck cord: Cire: 041, 071, 170,
304, 311, 320
She is "Pretty" as a peacock in her
Venetian-style mask, complete with a bouquet
of peacock feathers/flowers. We will learn the
intensive technique used to create these life-
like feathers, peacock eye flowers, plus the
jewels and textures adorning her mask. It will
be helpful for students to know the cast-on, up-
down cast-on, satin stitch, and blanket stitch.
Stitches Included: Stitches/techniques taught in class will be my braided fly stitch, auto-Palestrina knot, stem stitch, how to create the expressive eyes and those luscious lashes. Also – let’s play with color! The feathers are made using four different colors of Glory to create the colorplay/iridescence found in real peacock feathers. Students may want to bring a good supply of Glory colors for experimenting in class. For example, if you don’t like the “orange” color in the feathers, substitute a dazzling pink (204), intense blue (201), or bright green (148). Using a different combination of colors for the mask make it similar yet just different enough from the feathers so that it pops! You can make this design become the colors YOU want it to be! A doodle cloth will be provided for each student.
Edmar Threads Needed:
Cire: 172, 201, 206
Glory: 000, 122 (2), 128, 136, 148,
158(2), 172, 201 (2), 206, 212, 226(2), 407
Iris: 122, 127, 128, 136, 158, 172, 201, 206, 217, 226

Enchanted Forest-3881
Price: $25.00
An Adventure in Paintstiks
and "Organic" Stitch Techniques
Edmar Threads Needed:
Nova: 59(3), 309, 326
Boucle: 29, 050, 132, 309(2), 315(3), 402, 403
Cire: 412
Lola: 053, 080, 150, 215, 315, 402, 403
Iris: 053(2), 062, 132, 223, 225, 228, 304, 305, 402, 407
Frost: 050, 099, 304
Special Requirements: Paintstiks in the following
suggested colors: Iridescent colors--charcoal, purple,
brown, white, leaf green, light gold, iridewscent blender,
Standard colors--asphaltum, olive, sap green, barn red,
yellow ochre, meadow green. Paint brushes preferably the
flat bristle kind for blending paints, turpenoid or paint
brush cleaner. Timtex or Peltex (1/4 yd), Iron on Fabric
interfacing, medium or light weight (1/3 yd). Parchment
paper, an iron and ironing surface. Warm and Natural quilt
batting (1/4 yd). #15 Milliner's needle, #16 darner, three
#1 extra long darner needles, drizzle pad or pin cushion,
needle gripper, several textured items for creating
interesting patterns on the fabric with the Paintstiks.
Several small flat rocks, a white fabric marking pencil,
a piece of chip board for making the rock template. Tulle
in a color that closely matches the rocks (1/8 yd). DMC
Perle Cotton, Size 5, Color #988 or similar "green fern"
color, DO NOT CUT THE SKEIN. Two pieces of acid free foam
core (8" x 11", and 5" x 7"). Stretcher bars, 10" and 12",
several sticky back Velcro dot fasteners.

Enchanted Reef
This is an advanced Brazilian Embroidery
design. The colorful bounty and stunning beauty
of a coral reef--captured in Brazilian
embroidery! This piece is dimensional to say
the least. Some of the stitching I son the
background blue fabric, the reef pieces
(corners) are batik fabrics (included in the
kit) that have been enhanced with Brazilian
embroidery and then attached to the blue
background piece. The filtered sunlight effect
is achieved with paint sticks. Stitches
Included: Tapered single and double cast-ons,
Boucle bullions, branching double cast-on
drizzles, branching bullions, up down knotted
double cast on, long Nova bullions, spider web
weaving, automatic Palestrina, and Rhodes
stitch. It will be helpful to be familiar with
the following stitches: cast on, double cast
on, fly stitch, up down cast on, knotted cast
on, lzay daisy, bullion straight stitch, satin
stitch, French knot, dirzzles.
Design Area: 10" X 8" Fabric Size: 18" X 15".
Floss Needed up to 1 skein of each: Glory 071, 106,
109, 124, 128, 133, 144, 146, 148, 206, 212, 217, 315;
Iris: 085, 116, 118, 124, 128, 208, 212, 217, 226, 304
(two skeins), 309, 323, 402, 413;
Frost: 039, 061, 105, 320, 323;
Lola: 155, 211, 323;
Nova: 155, 407;
Boucle: 102, 115, 317, 321, 413;
Cire: 148.
Floss Needed up to 4 strands of each:
Glory: 122 (or pale orange), 157 (or burgundy-like color)
211 ( or dark red);
Iris: 125 (or lavender-ish);
Frost: 165 (pale green), 214 (dark green);
Nova: 113 (or bright yellow), 127 (orchid or medium
purple), 212 (turquoise), 311 (variegated blue/green);
Cire: 53 (shaded light/medium yellow green),
65 (red).
Extra Fancy Christmas Rose – 3897
This is a single rose made using 4,
3-inch needles placed in a drizzle pad. If
you haven’t used this wonderful technique you
will be amazed what up/down cast-ons over
multiple needles making a drizzle can turn
out to be. Students who know the drizzle
technique and can carefully count will be
able to do this design. If you are very
careful when pulling threads to anchor your
cast-ons, you’ll end up with a beautiful
petal and get to do 4 more to make a beautiful
Design: 4" x 5"
Fabric Size: 12" x 12"
Edmar Threads Needed: Glory: 216;
Iris 114;
Frost: 129;
Lola: 99, 114;
Ciré: 99;
Bouclé 114

Fabulous Foliage - 3889
Plant foliage can have fabulous texture
and color, just like flowers! This is a fun and
unusual class, and a garden that features
techniques and colors inspired by real leaves,
placed upon plants and stitched in my imaginary
garden. We will use a variety of familiar
stitches combined in unusual ways to create the
foliage. (Please note: There are only a couple
of stitches that require this to be “Advanced”,
otherwise it would be considered Intermediate.)
Stitches used are: bullion, straight stitch,
satin stitch, outline, lazy daisy, bullion lazy
daisy, stem stitch, double stem, fly, turkey,
van dyke, blanket, cast-on, wrapped stem, rick
rack (thank you, Rosalie Wakefield), and my
auto-Palestrina, combination “comma” (thank
you, Rosalie Wakefield) feather stitch, and
cast-on cast-on stitch. A cream colored doodle
cloth will be available for each student.
Design will be available on black, cream, or
white Trigger.

Frosting Flowers - 3887
I love birthday cake! Are you one of
those people who wants the corner piece with
all the frosting flowers? Me too! Here’s your
chance to have those gorgeous flowers all the
time, slathered onto (butter frosting) cream
Trigger or (whipped cream frosting) white
Trigger. The flowers are four layers of
gorgeous sweet stitches. Stitches taught are
my cast-on blanket stitch, beaded cast-on, and
the up/down cast-on, cast-on drizzle. The
beauty of this flower is in the placement of
the stitches and layers. It is helpful for
students to be familiar with cast-ons, French
knot, and satin stitch leaf. A doodle cloth
will be provided for each student.

Glory and Voo - 3892
A gloriosa lily and a voodoo lily or are
they? Two ladies having tea, or are they
flowers? How about both! Glory’s beautiful
dress is stitched with stacked split stitch,
stacked stem stitch, detached auto Palestrina
knots, and cast-on lace. Her hat is woven and
adorned with French knot flowers. Voo’s
beautiful dress is stitched with some of the
same stitches and also the wavy cast-on.
Edmar Thread Needed:
Bouclé: 029, 053: Glory: 000, 059, 221;
Iris: 102, 127, 131, 141, 144, 162, 202, 207, 216, 226, 402;
Lola: 130, 133, 144, 202, 203, 208, 209, 221, 223, 226;
Nova: 020, 048.

Hat Boxes-3862
This is an advanced level Brazilian
Embroidery design. Stitches used: satin,
bullion, cast-on, blanket, French knot, stem,
drizzle, lazy daisy, Turkey, and back stitch.
This is available on white fabric.
Edmar Threads Needed:
Glory 96, 135, 206, 216, 221, 228;
Iris 226, 115, 211, 163, 159, 225, 59;
Cire 101, 311;
Lola 029, 132, 153, 159, 209, 211, 223, 303, 314, 315.
Special needs: Rainbow Gallery brand Petite
Very Velvet V626, V657, V665, V601, V639; Mill Hill Petite
Seed Beads 40123, beading thread and needle.

Hibiscus Trio-3880
This is an advanced/intermediate
Brazilian Embroidery design. Stitches used:
blanket, cast-on, lazy daisy, couching,
drizzle, buillion, and stem. This is available
on white or cream.
Edmar Threads Needed:
Glory 53, 115, 127, 131, 136, 203, 207, 211, 220, 310;
Iris 53, 119, 134, 220;
Frost 113, 115, 219.
Special Needs: Drizzle pad and 3" #1 or #3 long darner.
Hollyhock – 3895
Life-size rendition of our Flower of the
Year, the Hollyhock. It illustrates the life
of the hollyhock from newly formed bud to full
blossom to seed pod.
Stitches Included: Padded satin stitch, stacked split
stitch, raised blanket stitch, wrapped stacked stem stitch,
detached automatic Palestrina knot, knotted quadruple
cast-on. Students should be familiar with, stem stitch,
cast-on, bullion, French knot, drizzle, blanket stitch.
Design: 4" x 9"
Fabric Size: 12" x 18"
Edmar Threads Needed: Glory: 161;
Iris 83, 114, 121, 131, 135, 161, 172, 402;
Lola: 131, 161;
Nova: 40, 121, 131 x 2, 161, 402;
Bouclé: 131;
Ciré: 121, 131 x 2
Holly-Rock – 3896
The pre-printed rock fabric is
appliquéd to the background fabric; stitching
is added here and there to accentuate the
rocks. Standing in front of the wall is a
beautiful spray of colorful hollyhocks.
Stitches Included: Stem and outline stitch, cast-on,
couching, French knot, drizzle, lazy daisy stitch, and
detached Automatic Palestrina Knots.
Design: 5" x 5"
Fabric Size: 12" x 12"
Edmar Threads Needed: Glory: 29, 113;
Iris 53 x 2, 126, 131, 155, 162, 210, 211, 226, 228, 402,
Lola: 131, 154, 153, 211;
Nova: 51;
Bouclé: 166;
Ciré: 53

Ima L. Teapot - 3828
A charming array of flowers, the tendrils
of these flowers just happen to be growing in the
shape of a teapot! The tea-themed flowers are; sugar
drops, crumpets, teacups, saucers, ruffly buds.
Design Area: 8” x 5¼” Fabric Size: 20” x 15”
Edmar Threads Needed:
Ciré: 024 (2 skeins), 165, 227;
Frost: 119; Glory 134;
Iris; 024, 028, 096, 097, 135, 165, 168, 169, 218

The first design in the "Mask Series",
Fancy lives up to her name! Each fan that
surrounds her lovely face is edged with a
different faux-lace technique using Brazilian
embroidery stitches. One fan is decorated with
pearls, the other is decorated with a woven
running stitch ribbon, and the third features
cast-on/bullion combination lace. The flowers
that adorn her mask are my Sugar Drop, Twisted
Bud, and Beaded Cast-on Flower. It will be
helpful for students to be familiar with
beginning B.E. stitches plus the up-down
Stitches Included: Stitches taught will be the beaded cast-on, the three lace techniques, complete instructions for the three flowers, woven running stitch, my automatic Palestrina knot, l-o-n-g Ciré bullions, and how to create expressive eyes and those luscious lashes. A doodle cloth will be provided for each student.
Design Area: 5.5" x 6"
Edmar Threads Needed:
Cire: 155 (2), 211
Frost: 202
Glory: 000, 058, 122, 211, 206, 214, 216
Iris: 015, 121, 155, 157, 163, 202, 211, 214,
216, 221, 321, 413
Lola: 121, 163, 202, 216, 221

Showgirl Orchids
Price: $11.00
New orchid species are being discovered
almost every month. This new orchid,
"Showgirl", has three different species,
Cirque, Flamingo, and Bellagio. This design
is a fun review of several of my original
stitches, the automatic Palestrina knot, DV’s
Crazy 8’s (created with Virginia Chapman’s
assistance), cast-on cast-on, and bullion/
buttonhole weaving technique.
Stitches Included: All of the above stitches will be
taught in addition to my new double cast-on into five
bullion stitch and split stem stitch! It will be helpful
for the student to be familiar with the bullion, cast-on,
drizzle, up-down cast-on, satin stitch, double cast-on,
blanket stitch, stem stitch, fly stitch. A doodle cloth
will be provided for each student.
Design Size 5" x 6"
Edmar Threads Needed:
Cire 131, 155, 172;
Frost: 153, 137, 204, 205;
Glory; 109, 155, 167, 172, 204;
Iris: 29, 104, 118, 131, 153, 155, 167, 172, 203, 204, 402

This is an intermediate/advanced
Brazilian embroidery design. Stitches used:
stem, outline, Hopper, bullion, knotted lazy
daisy, blanket, satin, couching, Turkey work.
This design is available on white fabric.
Edmar Thread Needed:
Glory 000, 008, 062, 156, 165, 210, 401;
Iris 406, Lola, 118, 119, 311, 323;
Frost 95, 106, 323;
Cire 165, 203, 311;
Nova 311, 323.
Special Needs: 3 small shsha mirrors; beading thread and
needle, 32 #18 darner needles, drizzle paid, old CD you no
longer want, strong scissors for cutting the CD.

Succulent Southwest Sampler-3808
This package contains the Brazilian
Embroidery design printed on fabric. Full
instructions are in the book "Thorns and
Roses." This is available on white or cream
Edmar Threads Needed:
Glory 008, 049, 050, 059, 121, 124, 126, 128, 151, 156,
165, 166, 167, 202, 206, 216
Iris 030, 041, 051, 059, 095, 102, 117, 118, 120, 121,
122, 124, 125, 126, 128, 132, 135, 144, 145, 146, 147,
148, 149(3), 150, 151, 153, 167, 171, 202, 206, 214,
215(2), 216(2), 219, 222, 223, 2254, 226
Frost 156, 165, 209
Cire 030, 065, 158, 306
Lola 025, 053, 121(2), 132, 136, 137, 149, 150, 165,
166, 167, 215(2), 216, 220, 227
Boucle 053, 114, 151, 168, 225
Nova 165 (2), 167 (2)

Tears of a Clown-3882
This is an advanced/intermediate
Brazilian Embroidery design. Stitches Used:
Bullion, cast-on, lazy daisy, satin, stem,
up/down cast-on, stacked stem, pistil. This is
available on white fabric.
Edmar Thread Needed:
Glory 122, 128, 137, 158, 201, 212, 401;
Iris 122, 128, 137, 158, 201, 212, 401;
Lola 122, 128, 137, 158, 201, 212, 217, 401;
Nova 137, 158, 201, 212.
A bright and happy lily made
with 100% wool felt and Brazilian embroidery
thread and stitches.