A Fan of Flowers - 960
This is a Brazilian Embroidery
design. Stitches used: outline, satin,
back, Rosalie's Picot Cast-On Rose, Cascade
Blossoms, Twisty Ribbon. Available on white
or cream fabric.
Edmar Floss Needed:
Iris 147, 161 (2 skeins);
Lola 008, 125 (2 skeins), 153, 327.
Special needs: #10 triangle beads or delica beads.

Afternoon Delight-985
This is a Brazilian Embroidery design by
Ruth Griffith. Stitches used: satin, outline,
detached chain, bullion, pistil, French knot,
cast-on, straight, couching, comma, double
cast-on, detached buttonhole, stem.
Edmar Floss Needed:
Glory 119, 134;
Iris 000, 007, 008, 017, 040, 070, 116, 135, 141, 142,
143, 203, 317;
Lola 000, 006, 007, 017, 086, 134, 141, 143;
Cire 119.
This is available on white or cream fabric.
Price: $8.00
Amaranthine (pronounced: ama RAN theen):
the name means undying, immortal, eternally
beautiful. I thought this was an appropriate
way to introduce some of the "Forever Flowers"
from my new book. This floral bouquet has eight
new flowers that will never fade and several
different leaf treatments. Most stitches are
familiar ones, but there are several new
dimensional techniques that I have used in
different ways to delight and entertain you
"endlessly". Much of the design is stitched
with Iris.
Design Area: 6" x 7" Fabric Size: 12" x 15"
Floss Needed:
Glory: 111, 125, 142, 216;
Iris: 53, 118, 121, 125, 128, 138, 143, 155, 159, 163, 218; Lola: 114, 125, 129, 140,
142, 152, 167

American Beauty Rose-965
This is a Brazilian Embroidery design.
Stitches used: straight, fly, bullion, running
bullions, raised buttonhole, comma, LZ DZ,
cast-on, running cast-on, outline, colonial
Edmar Floss used:
Glory 051, 133, 207;
Iris 053, 111, 160, 167, 215, 216;
Frost 134;
Lola 125;
Cire 204, 218;
Nova 204.
This is available on white fabric.

A-Tisket, A-Tasket - 970
This is an intermediate/advanced
Brazilian Embroidery design. A-Tisket,
A-Tasket - flowers fill our wicker basket!
We'll stitch lots of new flowers - the Blue
Mountain Rose, Beauty Rose, painted mum, Night
Romancing the Moon, red flowering currant,
Appalachian violet, and our beloved "Loopy,"
and we'll explore the ways simple stitch
re-arrangements can give flowers a completely
new look. Stitches Included: Bead embroidery
techniques, bullion, cast-on stitch, DK rose
leaf, double cast-on stitch, fly stitch, French
knot, lazy daisy, long and short stitch, loopy
drizzle, outline stitch, raised buttonhole
stitch, running cast-on stitch, satin stitch,
stem stitch, up-down cast-on stitch.
Design Area: 6" X 6" Fabric Size: 12" X 12" cream fabric.
Floss Needed:
Lola: 072, 098, 154, 171, 323;
Iris: 050, 051, 093, 111, 150, 154, 160, 215, 223 (skein),
402, 403;
Frost: 114;
Glory: 50, 214;
Copper Candlelight.

B.E. A Tree - 997
Yes, we will Brazilian embroider a tree,
but not just any tree. It’s a DOGwood tree. The
beautiful BDEIG Flower of the Year, the
dogwood, has each of its petals stitched with a
new technique for a notched leaf and a
connected drizzle center vein. You probably
saw the lovely floral Heather-Scottie right
away, but there’s also a Guard-en Dog, a Poodle
Puff, and the new Pom-Pom Pomeranian hanging
for dear life out of the reach of those cats.
We’re also going to stitch King Arf-ur and Sir
Barks-A-Lot (aka Barky), and you’ll receive
traceable floral patterns for stitching each of
these doggie flowers without the ears and eyes.
Several new stitch techniques are introduced in this
class – the new pistil stitch, knotted double loop, bubble
backstitch, and the tree is simply stitched with over-dyed
Nova using stem and outline stitches, and this time the
cats have treed the dogs, waiting in joyful anticipation
to see which doggie they can capture first.

BE Flower Preserves-964
This is a Brazilian dimensional
embroidery design. Stitches used: satin,
straight, fly, feather, up-down cast=on,
bullion, LZ DZ, long and short satin, French
knot, outline, knotted loop.
Edmar Thread Needed:
Glory 141, 144;
Iris 000, 009, 040, 041, 072, 107, 111, 118, 123, 125,
131, 134, 136, 146, 147, 153, 155, 173, 225;
Boucle 080.
This is available on white fabric

Carnival Confetti-968
This is a Brazilian Dimensional
Embroidery design. Stitches used: satin,
straight, fly, outline, bullion, cast-on,
French knot, up-down cast-on, blanket, running
cast-on, reverse LZ DZ, "No-Bite" cast-on,
chain. This is available on white fabric.
Edmar Thread Needed:
Glory 008, 120, 123, 136, 206, 304;
Iris 95, 97, 122, 139, 158, 170, 174, 212, 225;
Lola 008, 033, 127, 131, 140;
Cire 203.
Special Needs: Red 3/8" bead or button, sz 11 seed bead,
Petite Seed Beads Mill Hill 42018, Palest teal blue sz 14
seed bead, sz 8 seed beads (red, yellow, blue, opaque), sz
11 mixed color bead soup, black sz 11 seed beads, black sz
11 triangle bead, brown sz 11 seed beads; black sz 14 seed
beads. Beading thread and needle.

Chantilly Lace-966
This is a Brzilian Dimensional
Embroidery design. Stitches used: outline,
satin, cast-on, back, LZ DZ, reverse LZ DZ,
straight, French knot, fly, bullion, comma,
detached buttonhole.
Edmar Thread Needed:
Glory 131, 206, 218;
Iris 049, 093, 131, 134, 172;
Cire 050, 218;
Lola 017, 131.
This is available on white fabric.

Cherish - 8003
This simply stitched design may be
framed or made into a pillow suitable for a
wedding or christening. Additional traceable
letters are included if the stitcher wishes to
change the date or add initials. Stem and
outline stitch are used to create the bell,
ribbon and letters. The edge of the bell is
stitched with cast-on stitches, a tiny bead
nestled within each. Buds are made with cast-on
stitches and a loop of beads adds sparkle. The
ribbon is stitched with Glory and edged with
the reverse colonial knot (my preferred
substitute for a French knot). The flowers at
the top of the bell are made with a variation
of my original stitch technique, the Canada’s

Country Road-978
A day in the country brings a sense of
peace and relaxation as the needle artist explores
interesting flowers in the landscape. Stitches
included are the double raised close herringbone,
up-down cast-on stitches, a B.E. version of Erica
Wilson’s raised cup stitch, the new butterfly knot,
and the exciting new Ceylon border stitch. Confetti
Spirea flowers are made with drizzles (Oh! Wait! --
What’s that kitty cat doing there? –besides smashing
those little violets flat), and firecracker vines,
rudbeckia, hollyhocks, the butterfly vine,
double daisies, wild chicory, little roses and blue
birdies complete the design. A different stitch is
used for each leaf and the countryside elements
(fence, rocks, road, and hills) are finished with
simple basic embroidery stitches.
Edmar Threads Needed:
Cire: 115, 218;
Glory: 203, 214;
Iris: 025, 050, 051, 053, 108, 111, 114, 123, 124, 126,
127, 131, 136, 149, 161, 173, 217;
Lola: 026, 100, 125, 143, 403;
Nova: 100
Design Area: 6" Circle

Dreaming in Flowers
Design: 6” x 7.5”- $12.00
As she daydreams and watches the progress of a ladybug
family, this young girl finds her dreams filled with
flowers: a plumeria in her hair, michelmas daisies, fizzy
stick flowers, Rosalie Wakefield’s picot rose, scarlet
paintbrush, twinkle bells, little rosey posey, fan lily,
blue-eyed peas and bachelors buttons.
Floss Needed:
Frost (or Iris) 009, 027, 037, 097, 107, 111, 153, 154, 155;
Iris 029, 040, 053, 095, 121, 144, 217;
Glory 009, 040, 050, 052, 111, 123, 152, 153, 206,
214, 223, 402

Field of Flowers-993
You can stitch this design as a framed
piece for a small wall, as a panel for a vest
or art quilt, or as an album cover – the
possibilities are unlimited. You can use the
colors shown here (all colors are repeated at
top and/or bottom or side to side), or you can
select one color for a monochromatic color
scheme. Flowers are stitched almost entirely
with Iris, but some Lola, Ciré and Frost is
also used. In addition to the Dutch tulip and
the Delft rose, there are some intricate
flowers, including my original gladdy with its
bundled bullion framework, and two versions of
the cast-on flower as you learn how to really
"fluff-up" those cast-on stitches. In addition,
we will introduce my latest brainstorm, the
brand new pistil cast-on. Unusual stitch
combinations will perk your own imagination and
inspire you to try new things. We’ll also learn
how to stitch ribbons quickly and easily, the
lazy heart leaves, reverse colonial knot,
cast-on twist, raised close herringbone,
Brazilian couching and lots of other
interesting techniques. In addition to birdies,
butterflies, ladybugs, a cute (yes!) slug, and
dragonfly, there are more than two dozen
flowers, leaves and other assorted surprises –
truly the "Where’s Waldo?" of Brazilian
Design Area:5" x 10"
Edmar Threads Needed:
Cire: 024, 142;
Frost: 216;
Iris: 009, 043, 051, 099, 101, 113, 121, 123, 125, 127,
131, 134, 136, 138, 140, 144, 145, 146, 149, 153, 154, 155,
158, 159, 160, 170, 171, 224, 226, 402;
Lola: 052, 134, 138, 145, 147, 171, 218

How Does Our Garden Grow?
This is a basic Brazilian Embroidery
design. Stitches Included: Bullions, blanket
stitch, bullion bundles, stem stitch, French
knots, knotted lazy daisy, pistil stitch,
alternating satin stitch leaves satin stitch,
double cast=ons, cast=ons, lazy daisises,
couching, fly stitch, and padded staggered
leaf stitch.
Design Area: 4" X 20" Fabric Size: 10" X 30".
Floss Needed:
Iris: 024, 026, 040, 051, 116, 119, 167, 203, 219, 308, 303;
Lola: 024, 026, 054, 082, 118, 203, 206, 323; Glory: 019, 047, 054, 105, 118, 119, 122, 138; Frost: 007, 122, 171;
Cire: 119, 140;
Boucle: 024.
Kreinik fine braid: 33

Life is Beautiful
Design: 10” circular
This is a Brazilian Embroidery design. Depending on stitch
placement, the same trio of stitches creates three entirely
different focal flowers - the Stella d’Oro daylily,
Pinwheel, and the Stop Anytime.
Floss Needed: Lola 026, 143, 203, 218;
Frost 107, 125;
Boucle 080;
Iris 083, 090, 150, 151, 161, 320;
Glory 009, 111, 120, 150, 402;
Cire 006, 050, 402
My Brazilian Fantasy
Price: $10.00
When we first discover Brazilian
embroidery, we want to do it ALL - all the
flowers, all the floss, all colors and all the
stitches. "My Brazilian Fantasy" gives
stitchers a chance to select their favorite
colors (or use the ones I have listed) and
spend leisurely time working with easy stitches
on a design that can be used anywhere: appliqué
on a tote or wearable item, framed, or mounted
on a gift box or scrapbook.
Design Area: 4.5" x 4.5" Fabric Size: 10" x 10"
Floss Needed:
Iris: 52, 82, 135, 145;
Ciré: 172. (Or colors of your choice)

The Crepe Paper Roses on this design
are new, so simple, and yet so lovely. You’ll
make one crinkly paper rose with Frost and
another with Lola, and you can use coordinating
color shades or variegated floss. Oh! The
places you’ll go, as you daydream up other
projects for these delightful paper roses.
There’s fun to be done, as Dr. Seuss would say,
and we’re not done yet! Students will stitch
their designs on sage green weavers cloth with
lining fabric provided. "Reverie" is framed by
the ever-popular Bouclé border stitch.
Background leaves and swirls are stitched with
Ciré and Iris, and a mated pair of swans,
stitched with satin stitch and blanket stitch,
finishes this small landscape embroidery.
Edmar Threads Needed:
Boucle: 024, 305;
Cire 303;
Frost: 154, 211;
Lola: 115, 154;
Iris 221;
Glory: 000, 125, 203, 206, 312, 410
Design Area: 6” circular

Ring Around the Roses
Ring Around the Roses is an exciting
intermediate B.E. design that will introduce
students to some interesting stitch
innovations. Encircling four small rose gardens
are realistic rambling rose vines featuring
delightful Afternoon Roses stitched with The
Comma. You’ll learn some fine points of
stitching with Ciré and other floss weights, as
well as tips for adding sparkle with beads or
metallic fibers. The little gardens are planted
with rose-related flowers such as Rose Campion
and its unusual leaf treatment. You’ll learn
how to make the upstanding petals of the Moss
Rose or Portulaca, and the Fuchsia "Rose
Fantasia" will give you an interesting
combination of stitches to try. In addition,
the class will learn Gayl’s original Up-Down
Viola Rose and how to make those beautiful
dimensional petals. Each of the gardens is
fenced in with the Palestrina border stitch,
taught with Mary’s unique method. A different
leaf is taught with each mini-garden, and all
basic stitches with more advanced variations
are included. Actual-size patterns are included
in the class instructions, and students can use
any of these flowers on wearable items.
Stitches include the Palestrina knot, running
cast on, up-down cast on, the comma, and some
leaf treatments that may be new.
Edmar Threads Needed:
Lola: 114, 118, 119, 134, 218;
Iris: 008, 118, 121, 146; 305;
Glory: 016, 121, 128, 400;
Nova 059;
Cire: 004, 024, 099, 135, 159, 218
Design Area: 6/5" x 8.5"

Rose Garden - 995
Nine entirely new dimensional roses are
featured in this “Rose Garden” design. Featured
flowers are the roses, Crescendo, Damask,
Spider Rose, Marco Polo, Double Delight,
Moondance, Tropicana, Heirloom, and Applause.
Each rose is framed with accent flowers and
finished with a double thread running stitch
border as the Millefiori original Mossy
Branches twine around all. This double-session
class features variations in popular Millefiori
stitch techniques such as the zigzag cast-on,
two different versions of the piggyback
cast-on, the new pistil stitch, the comma,
RM couching, as well as the up-down cast-on,
the wrap ‘n gather technique, reverse colonial
knot (my preferred French knot substitute),
raised close herringbone, padded
herringbone-style stitch, my original woven
buttonhole bullion and a lot of variations of
dimensional stitches that you’ll enjoy using on
your other embroidery. Each flower can be
stitched as a separate motif for a wearable
item or stitched on a crazy quilt.

Patty McKern's Spring Heart
Designer-artist and one of our BDEIG
Charter members, Patty McKern's design which
includes her original "Patty's Two Step". With
this absolutely unique technique, we will
create her Woodland Orchid as well as Patty’s
Three Petals of Lace flower. You’ll receive
instructions for Patty’s frosty cones, hanging
violets and lucky shoes. We will learn shaded
floss color placement to help your embroidery
look "painterly" and how to make those amazing
little tendrils that wind themselves around
Patty’s heart.
Edmar Threads needed:
Frost: 111, 152, 219;
Glory: 021, 111, 136, 149, 152, 212, 220;
Iris 050, 087, 099, 103, 113, 136, 143, 149, 203, 212, 218

Summer Floral-963
This is a Brazilian Dimensional
Embroidery design. Stitches used: variations
of LZ DZ, Reverse LZ DZ, side fly, One-step
Leaf and stem, LZ Satin Dz, Brazilian or
Two-step LZ DZ. This is available on cream
Edmar Thread Needed:
Glory 121, 131, 136, 158, 305;
Iris 031, 131, 134, 156, 170, 174, 218, 311, 327;
Cire 100;
Lola 171.

The Cascade Rose - 971
This is an intermediate Brazilian
Embroidery design. Dewdrop beads and the beaded
Mille flower sparkle at the heart of this
stunning flower; reminiscent of the beautiful
wild rhododendrons that grow in the Coast and
in the Cascade Mountain ranges from British
Columbia to Monterey, California. The Cascade
Rose is interpreted in Lola floss with a new
cast-on technique, its leaves completed in fly
stitch (yes, fly fishing for trout and salmon
is a popular sport in the Northwest). The
mist-covered foothills of these same mountains
inspired our sparkling Oregon Mist flowers
which are stitched with beads (but Glory 312
can be substituted). Oregon's Western Wood
Anemone, native to West Coast forests, is
stitched with side-by-side lazy daisy leaves
and a twisted lazy daisy. Flower petals are
made with long and short buttonhole stitches
and finished with fly-stitch-and-bead stems.
Salmonberries, related to thimbleberries, and
raspberries grow from Alaska to California.
Their bullion leaves and showy dark pink or
magenta, double-daisy flower blossoms nestle
around plump golden needle woven berries. A
shower of lazy daisy leaves, sparkling silver
curling sprays, and lots of beady mist complete
the design. Stitches Included: Stem stitch,
couching, bullions, fly stitch, lazy daisy
leaves, new cast-on technique.
Design Area: 3 1/2 X 4 1/2: Fabric Size: 8" X 10"
Floss Needed:
Glory, 139, 312;
Iris: 034, 049, 050, 127, 161;
Frost: 114;
Lola: 218 (skein).

Waltz of the Flowers - 8007
This delightful little Brazilian
embroidery design is the size of a CD. It can
be finished as an ornament, backed with a
second CD, or it would make a lovely cover for
design for an iPad, reader or jewelry box, all
demonstrated in class. You’ll dance your way
through some floral delights: the Interlude
Rose, Three to Tango (a variation of the Bossa
Nova), the Can-Can (a new technique with
naughty ruffles), Vienna Rose (made with spiral
lace), Staccato (a brand new drizzle), Fox
(Trot) Grass, and the Hokey Pokey -- all
versatile, lighter-floss-weight flowers that
can be stitched anywhere.
Design Area: 5" circle Fabric Size: 12" x 12"
Floss Needed:
Glory: 134, 136, 145, 305;
Iris or Frost: 218, 220;
Iris: 026, 093;
Lola: 007, 100, 327

Whisper of Springtime - 996
As the seasons change, lilacs burst into
bloom and butterflies visit a garden with
gazebo. A flower-strewn path along the
meandering stream includes loosestrife, red
clover, ferns and little umbrella plants.
Lilacs are stitched with the original lilac
cluster technique from the Millefiori design,
“Seasons of the Butterfly”. Other stitches used
are the comma, the ridged blanket stitch,
twisted chain, chain stitch filling, double
outline stitch and herringbone-style leaves
which self-pad with each pass of the needle
through the fabric. You’ll also learn an
intriguing way of adding a whole bank of
flowers to a design with just one stitch.
Dainty clover petals are stitched with Glory
and the #15 milliners needle. This design was
my contribution to the BDEIG Scholarship Quilt
Project. If you like stitching with
lighter-weight floss, such as Iris and Glory,
this is the class for you!
The focal butterfly is a Susan Clarke Original button, and
other tiny butterflies are delicate glass beads. Trying to
persuade the butterflies to drop down for a closer look is
a curious kitten – also made of glass.

Wildflower Wreath - 974
Softest pastels in pink, yellow, and
blue frame the fragrant Rosa ballerina, a musk
rose with clusters of single, five-petal
flowers edged in a darker shade of pink, and
nestled in surrounding blanket-stitched leaves.
The heart of the rose is stitched with
Rosalie’s original “snowball” technique and a
drizzle variation for the stamens credited to
Loretta Holzberger for a technique she
developed. The wreath repeats four times around
with a motif that can also be used elsewhere,
either on wearables, crazy quilts, or
hand-embroidered greeting cards. Flowers
include the delicate shellflower in triple
satin stitch and leaves that include a
technique for adding a natural look to satin
stitched leaves. Showy evening primroses with
their unique star-crossed drizzle stamens are
stitched in pale yellow, and delicate blue
chicory, sometimes known as cornflower or
endive, is stitched with bullions, straight
stitches and a bright bead center. Stitches
Included: Alternating satin stitch leaf,
blanket stitch, Brazilian couching, bullions,
Charisma knot, fly stitch, lazy satin daisy,
long and short satin stitch, outline stitch,
padded satin stitch, slanted satin stitch,
snowball, star-crossed drizzle, stem stitch,
straight stitch, up-down cast-on, and up-down
Design Area: 6" X 6" Fabric Size: 12" X 12"
Floss Needed:
Glory: 024, 099, 131, 217;
Iris: 043, 098, 114, 120,149,151, 167, 213, 218 (1 skein),

Wind Chimes - 8005
Breeze through a B.E. design you can
finish as a small art quilt or pillow -- wind
chimes gently singing in the wind, each flower
ready for stitching on any other design.
Swaying to the music is a family of owls -- mom
and dad ready to step out onto the dance floor
(or in this case a tree branch), a young
teenage owl listening to her own music on her
smart phone, and a young swinging owl on a
swing, just swinging. Butterflies and Glory Be!
s dance in the sky, and a garden filled with
flowers, weeds and grounded creatures -- can
you find them? -- a mouse, ladybug, snail and
kitten - just enjoy themselves. Wind chime
flowers combine popular stitches – the chain
stitch, detached buttonhole stem stitch,
knotted loop, Little Archie, lollipop, lopsided
lazy daisy, needle weaving (three different
ideas), new cast-on pistil stitch, reverse
colonial knot, reverse lazy daisy, satin stitch
with Lola, side fly, star-fill and the comma.
Floss Needed:
Glory: 000, 031, 053, 099, 103, 111, 115, 125, 131, 138, 145, 147, 202, 203, 206, 213, 217, 220, 304;
Iris: 007, 009, 108, 115, 121, 131, 144, 157, 164, 212, 213;
Lola: 021, 098, 111, 115, 119, 131, 140, 169, 304, 315 (or 2 shaded or over-dyed browns), 404;
Ciré, 007, 135, 155; Bouclé: 163, 169
Design Area: 10" x 12" Fabric Size: 15" x 17"

Wishes and Dreams-969
This is a Brazilian dimensional
embroidery design. Stitches used: bullion,
outline, cast-on, chain, French knot, straight,
satin, ridged blanket, comma, fly, stem,
colonial knot, drizzle, braided lace, pistil,
buttonhole, couching, LZ DZ, reverse LZ DZ.
Available on cream fabric.
Edmar Thread Needed:
Glory 008, 029, 049, 100, 114, 115, 121, 122, 131, 206,
209 ;
Iris 040, 049, 050, 051, 053, 099, 114, 121, 122, 126,
136, 146, 157, 168, 170, 202, 209, 214, 215, 218, 304,
314, 404; Lola 017, 040, 041, 070, 100, 111, 116, 203,
402, 404;
Boucle 204.
Special Needs: pink, blue, silver-lined gold sz 8
seed beads; 2 6mm purple or mauve fire-polished beads;
purple, blue, red silver-lined, white pearl, yellow,
black, gold silver-lined sz 11 seed beads; 2 wite sz 6